Tag Archives: recovery

The Wonders of KT Tape

1 Jan

Some of you may be wondering.. what is KT tape?

It stands for Kinesiology Tape and (straight from KTtape.com) “By applying KT Tape over affected tissue, athletes experience an external support which helps to prevent further injury and allows the body’s damaged tissue to rest and heal naturally despite continued activity. KT Tape also reduces inflammation and increases circulation which prevents muscle cramping and lactic acid buildup.”

It looks like this:

kt tape

This picture shows how I use it (on my shins for shin splints), but it can be used for problems in your legs, knees, feet, back, neck, shoulders, arms, and even hands. I’ve been using it for about a month now and it makes a huge difference. I used to get a splintering pain in my shins as soon as I started jumping in a plyometric workout, but with the KT tape it takes an extreme amount of stress and pressure on my legs for my shin splints to flare up. It usually will stay on for about two days and you can shower with it on. It’s easy to apply and has honestly makes my shins feel so much better when I work out so I would highly recommend it.